Proceedings of the 7ECM
Purchasing of the 7ECM Proceedings
The 7ECM Proceedings will be published after the congress is held.
Are you interested in purchasing a hard copy? Then please register here:
For Authors
The plenary, invited and dedicated speakers are kindly asked to submit their manuscripts before May 30, 2016. For editing the papers, please use the enclosed templates provided by the European Mathematical Society Publishing House.
Here is an instruction how to use the files:
1. Download two files: emsprocart.cls and procexample.tex to the same directory on your computer.
2. Open procexample.tex file in your favourite TeX-editor. Save it as lastname_proc_ems.tex .
3. Type your paper, following instructions provided by EMS PH in the file: procexample.pdf.
Authors are kindly asked to not to exceed 20 pages.
4. Send lastname_proc_ems.tex. file and lastname_proc_ems.pdf file to proceedings aet 7ecm punkt de.
Thank you very much for your collaboration!