organized under auspices of the
organized under auspices of the
Kraków, July 2-7, 2012
Organized by the Polish Mathematical Society and the Jagiellonian University in collaboration with AGH University.
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Kraków, July 2-7, 2012
Organized by the Polish Mathematical Society and the Jagiellonian University in collaboration with AGH University.
(click for more)
Emmanuel Trélat (France)
Jan P. Hogendijk (Netherlands)
- Adrian Constantin (London, UK; Vienna, Austria) Some mathematical aspects of water waves.
- Camillo De Lellis (Zurich, Switzerland) Dissipative solutions of the Euler equations.
- Herbert Edelsbrunner (Vienna, Austria) Persistent Homology and Applications.
- Mikhail Gromov (Bures-sur-Yvette, France) In a Search for a Structure.
- Christopher Hacon (Salt Lake City, USA) Classification of Algebraic Varieties.
- David Kazhdan (Jerusalem, Israel) Representations of affine Kac-Moody groups over local and global fields.
- Tomasz Łuczak (Poznań, Poland) Threshold behaviour of random discrete structures.
- Sylvia Serfaty (Paris, France) Renormalized energy, Abrikosov lattice, and log gases.
- Saharon Shelah (Jerusalem, Israel) Classifying classes of structures in model theory.
- Michel Talagrand (Paris, France) Geometry of Stochastic Processes.
- Simon Brendle (USA)
- Emmanuel Breuillard (France)
- Alessio Figalli (USA)
- Adrian Ioana (USA)
- Mathieu Lewin (France)
- Ciprian Manolescu (USA)
- Grégory Miermont (Canada)
- Sophie Morel (USA)
- Tom Sanders (UK)
- Corinna Ulcigrai (UK)
Emmanuel Trélat (France)
Jan P. Hogendijk (Netherlands)
Amsterdam, July 14-18, 2008
Organized by Vrije Universiteit, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica and Universiteit van Amsterdam
(click for more)
Amsterdam, July 14-18, 2008
Organized by Vrije Universiteit, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica and Universiteit van Amsterdam
(click for more)
The fifth European Mathematical Congress in Amsterdam, July 14-18, 2008, was organized by Vrije Univeristeit, Centrum voor
Wiskunde en Informatica and Universiteit van Amsterdam. There were 786 participants. Chairman of the Organizing Committee was André Ran.
The Scientific Committee was chaired by Alexander Schrijver (Amsterdam).
- Luigi Ambrosio (Pisa, Italy) Optimal transportation and evolution problems in spaces of probability measures.
- Christine Bernardi (Paris, France) From a posteriori analysis to automatic modelling.
- Jean Bourgain (Princeton, NJ USA) New developments in arithmetic combinatorics.
- Jean-Françoise Le Gall (Paris, France) The continuous limit of large random plamar maps.
- Françoise Loeser (Paris, France) The geometry behind non-archimedean integrals.
- László Lovász (Budapest, Hungary) Very large graphs.
- Matilde Marcolli (Bonn, Germany) Renormalization, Galois symmetries and motives.
- Nicolai Reshetikhin (Berkeley, USA) Topological quantum field theory: 20 years later.
- Felix Otto (Bonn, Germany) Pattern formation and partial differential equations.
- Richard Taylor (Cambridge, USA) The Sato-Tate conjecture.
- Artur Avila (Brazil),
- Alexei Borodin (Russia),
- Ben Green (UK),
- Olga Holtz (Russia),
- Bo’az Klartag (Israel),
- Alexander Kuznetsov (Russia),
- Assaf Naor (Czech Republik/Israel),
- Laure Saint-Raymond (France),
- Agata Smoktunowicz (Poland),
- Cédric Villani (France).
Stockholm, June 27 –July 2, 2004
Organised by Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and Stockholm University
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Stockholm, June 27 –July 2, 2004
Organised by Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and Stockholm University
(click for more)
The fourth European Congress of Mathematics took place in Stockholm, June 27 –July 2, 2004.
It was organized by Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and Stockholm University. There were 940 participants.
Ari Laptev was the chairman of the Organizing Committee, Lenart Carleson was the chairman of the Scientific (Programme) Committee.
- Françoise Golse (Paris) Hydrodynamic Limits.
- Francesco Guerra (Roma) Mathematical aspects of mean field spin glass theory.
- Johan Håstad (Stockholm) Efficient computational proofs and inapproximability.
- Andrei Okounkov (USA) Random surfaces and algebraic curves.
- Oded Schramm (USA) Conformally invariant random processes.
- Zoltán Szabó (USA) Holomorphic discs and low dimensional topology.
- Claire Voisin (Paris) Recent progresses in Kaehler and Complex Algebraic Geometry.
- Franck Barthe (France),
- Stefano Bianchini (Italy),
- Paul Biran (Israel),
- Elon Lindenstrauss (Israel),
- Andrei Okounkov (Russia),
- Sylvia Serfaty (France),
- Stanislav Smirnov (Russia),
- Xavier Tolsa (Spain),
- Warwick Tucker (Australia/Sweden),
- Otmar Venjakob (Germany).
Barcelona, July 10-14, 2000
(click for more)
Barcelona, July 10-14, 2000
(click for more)
The third European Congress of Mathematics took place in Barcelona, July 10-14, 2000. There were 1200 participants.
The Organizing Committee was chaired by Sebastia Xambó-Descamps. Sir Michael Atiyah was the chairman of the Programme Committee.
- Robbert Dijgraaf (Amsterdam) The mathematics of M-theory.
- Hans FĹ llmer (Berlin) Probabilistic aspects of financial risks.
- Hendrik W. Lenstra, Jr (USA and Netherlands) Flags and lattice basic reduction.
- Yuri I. Manin (Bonn) Moduli, motives, mirrors.
- Yves Meyer (France) The role of oscillations in non-linear problems.
- Carles Simó (Barcelona) New families of solutions in N-body problems.
- Marie-France Vignéras (Paris) Local Langlands correspondance for GL(n,Q_p) modulo l ≠ p.
- Oleg Viro (Uppsala, St.Petersburg) Dequantization of real algebraic geometry on logarithmic paper.
- Andrew J.Wiles (USA) Galois represenatations and automorphic forms.
- Seymon Alesker (Israel),
- Rafaël Cerf (Franxce),
- Dennis Gaitsgory (USA),
- Emmanuel Grenier (France),
- Dominic Joyce (UK),
- Vincent Lafforque (France),
- Michael McQuillan (UK),
- Stefan Nemirovski (Russia),
- Paul Seidel (France),
- Wendelin Werner (France).
Budapest, July 22-26, 1996
Organised by János Bolyai Mathematical Society
(click for more)
Budapest, July 22-26, 1996
Organised by János Bolyai Mathematical Society
(click for more)
The second European Congress of Mathematics took place in Budapest, July 22-26, 1996. It was organised by János Bolyai Mathematical Society.
There were 724 participants. The chairman of the Organizing Committe was Gyula Katona. The chairman of the Scientific (Programme) Committee was Jűrgen Moser (ETH, Zűrich).
- Noga Alon (Tel-Aviv) Randomness and pseudo-randomness on discrete mathematics.
- Gerd Ben Arus (Paris) Large deviation as a common probabilistic tool for some problem of analysis, geometry and physics.
- Borys A. Dubrovin (Trieste) Reflection groups quantum cohomologies and Painleve’s equations.
- Janos Kollar (Salt Lake City) Low degree polynomials equations: arithmetic, geometry and topology.
- Jaques Laskar (Paris) The stability of the Solar System.
- Dusa McDuff (Stony Brook) Recent progress in symplectic topology.
- Aleksander S. Merkurjev (Moscow, Bilefeld) K-theory and algebraic groups.
- Vitali Milman (Tel-Aviv) Surprising geometric phenomena of high-dimensional convexity theory.
- Stefan Műller (Frieburg, Zűrich) Microstructures, geometry and the calculus of variations.
- Jean-Pierre Serre (Paris) Correspondences and dictionaries in geometry and number theory.
- Alexis Bonnet (France),
- William Timothy Gowers (UK),
- Annette Huber (Germany),
- Aise Johan de Jong (Netherlands),
- Dmitrij Kramkow (Russia),
- Jiři Matoušek (Czech Republic),
- Lo?c Merel (France),
- Grigori Perelman (Russia),
- Ricardo Perez-Marco (Spain/France),
- Leonid Polterovich (Israel).
Paris, July 6-10, 1992
Organised by the Société Mathématique de France (SMF) and the Société Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI)
(click for more)
Paris, July 6-10, 1992
Organised by the Société Mathématique de France (SMF) and the Société Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI)
(click for more)
The first European Congress of Mathematics was held in Paris, July 6-10, 1992. It was organised by the Société Mathématique de France (SMF) and the
Société Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI) under the auspices of the European Mathematical Society.
There were about 1300 participants from 58 countries. The chairman of the Organizing Committee of 1ECM was Max Karoubi (France). He was also the President of the Prize Committee. The Scientific Committee under the presidency of Sir Michael Atiyah (Cambridge, UK) invited 10 plenary lectures.
There were about 1300 participants from 58 countries. The chairman of the Organizing Committee of 1ECM was Max Karoubi (France). He was also the President of the Prize Committee. The Scientific Committee under the presidency of Sir Michael Atiyah (Cambridge, UK) invited 10 plenary lectures.
- Vladimir I. Arnold (Moscow, Russia) Vasiliev's theory of discriminants and knots.
- Laszlo Babai (Budapest, Hungary) Transparent proofs.
- Corrado de Concini (Pisa, Italy) Representations of quantum groups at roots of 1.
- Simon Donaldson (Oxford, UK) Gauge theory and four-manifold topology.
- Bjorn Engquist (Stockholm, Sweden) Numerical approximations of hyperbolic conservation laws.
- Pierre-Louis Lions (Paris, France) On some recent methods in nonlinear partial differential equations.
- Werner Müller (Bonn, Germany) Geometry and spectral theory.
- David Mumford (Cambridge, USA) Computer vision from a mathematical perspective.
- Alain-Sol Sznitman (Zurich, Switzerland) Brownian motion and obstacles.
- Michele Vergne (Paris, France) Cohomologie equivariante et formules de caracteres.
- Richard Borcherds (UK),
- Jens Franke (Germany),
- Alexander Goncharov (Russia),
- Maxim Kontsevitch (Russia),
- François Labourie (France),
- Tomasz Łuczak (Poland),
- Stefan Müller (Germany),
- Vladimir Šverák (Czechoslovakia),
- Gábor Tardos (Hungary),
- Claire Voisin (France).