Press Contact

Press Contact

The organizers warmly welcome journalists covering the 7ECM.

For registration, interview requests, or any other questions please contact:

Dr. Uta Deffke

Press Officer

press aet 7ecm punkt de

+49 (0)176 200 15 263

Rudolf Kellermann

Press Officer

press aet 7ecm punkt de

+49 (0) 171 492 32 48

Please let us also know which medium you work for.

During the conference, please register at the conference desk in the lobby of the main building of the TU Berlin.
You will get a conference bag with information brochures and a press badge there.

Technische Universität Berlin
Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin

If you are interested in using photos of our conference photographer Kay Herschelmann,
please contact him under:

Kay Herschelmann

Mobile: 01712673495
Email: herschelmann aet mac punkt com