Press Contact

7ECM Career Day

July 21, 2016

Future Perspectives for Mathematicians
The Organizers cordially invite students, graduates, young professionals to the companies' presentations.

14:00-14:30 Allianz Deutschland AG
14:30-15:00 d-fine GmbH (in German)
15:00-15:30 Berlin Mathematical School
15:30-16:00 McKinsey & Company
16:00-18:00 Contact Exchanges: Meet your future company/employee.

Location: H104, Main Building, Technische Universität Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 136

7ECM Career Day and Sponsorship Opportunities

Recruiting top talents with exceptional analytical skills is a core task for your company? Then take part in the 7ECM 2016 in Berlin and you will get to know your future employees. On Thursday, July 21, 2016 you can make direct, exclusive contact with highly qualified students and graduates at the 7ECM Career Day. In the morning we expect around 300 doctoral students and post-doctoral scientist in the main building of TU. In the afternoon we will welcome around 300 students on Bachelor and Master level. Get the most value out of our recruiting efforts to find great talent!

Service packages and costs

Within the program of the 7ECM we offer a networking platform for corporates and students, doctoral students as well as post-docs in mathematics or related fields.

Package A
  • Present your company in a 20 minutes presentation to an audience of highly qualified students, doctoral student, or post-docs at the TU Berlin Audimax. For each group we have a maximum of six slots.
  • Introduce your company at your own booth at our Career Day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Your company’s name, logo and short description (a maximum of 50 words) will be listed as a sponsor on
  • Cost €5.000
Package B
  • Introduce your company personally in a booth at our Career Day.
  • Insert material on your company in the 7ECM congress bags.
  • Your company’s name, logo and short description (a maximum of 50 words) will be listed as a sponsor on
  • Cost €2.500
Package C
  • Your company’s information brochures and giveaways will be available during the Career Day.
  • Your company’s name, logo and short description (a maximum of 50 words) will be listed as a sponsor on
  • Cost €500
All the above-mentioned prices are excluding 19% V.A.T.

Further sponsorship opportunities at the 7ECM

Further sponsorship opportunities comprise
  • Support of the Conference Dinner or Welcome Reception
  • Support of the congress material
  • Insert material/flyer on your company in the 7ECM congress bags.
We are happy to welcome any suggestions for sponsoring. Please contact grubits aet math punkt tu-berlin punkt de to discuss these.

7ECM Sponsoring Committee

Caren Tischendorf (caren punkt tischendorf aet math punkt tu-berlin punkt de) - Chair
Martin Skutella (skutella aet math punkt tu-berlin punkt de)
Volker Mehrmann (mehrmann aet math punkt tu-berlin punkt de)

Thank you for your support!